Robotics Workshop

Let’s get together and make things!! What problems do you really care about? Climate change, being fit, feeding the homeless, farting machines? Let’s use our robotics power muscles to start building!

First up: we’re going to be teaching kids with Lego Spike Education for hands-on, playful STEAM learning.

Coding and Engineering Skills for Kids

Lego Spike Essentials is designed to help elementary school children (grades 1-5) spark an interest and understanding in STEAM subjects. Join for this 2.5 hour workshop!


Introduction to Robotics

This course focuses on developing understanding of computer science through the creation of sequences and loops, and decomposing problems. It teaches the importance of testing and real life case studies of how coding makes products efficient and safe.

Based on the Lego Education framework, this workshop is divided in 3 parts, with students building a small robot and using an iPad to learn coding in each part.

  • River Ferry Workshop

  • Taxi! Workshop

  • Cable Car Workshop